
UX, UI, visual design

Via the internet and a consumer app, BeverageGrades brings objective, scientific analysis and information to alcoholic beverage consumers.

Want to really know what's in your drink? Well, you can rely on BeverageGrades’ nutritional information that measures calories, sugars, carbohydrates and more – they even measured compounds like sulfites or even arsenic – to find out how “pure” your beverage of choice is.

On top of that, BeverageGrades can identify different wines that possess similar chemical profiles. Have a favorite-but-pricey wine? Well, BeverageGrades can find a less expensive bottle that has a very similar profile. Chances are, that less expensive bottle is going to be quite comparable in taste and quality to its more expensive brethren. They’ve deemed these "Copy Cat" wines and you can use the app to find them.


Mobile App, Web App, Responsive Website 


Lead UX/UI Designer


Integrated Beverage Group


Insight Designs


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